Archive for Theories

Everyone has a breaking point

Good evening all you gorgeous viewers…

Time to get serious: Life is hard at the best of times. Work and studying and just everything in general. Makes life a complete challenge… a challenge we all believe that we don’t need at times. Sometimes it would just be nice if everything went smoothly and without issues but then we get hit with yet another curve ball… pressure

Too little pressure, you not motivated enough, too much pressure you tend to find your breaking point very fast. I found mine not so long ago… I have been pushed to my limit and at times, it feels like I have been pushed off the edge. I need to get good marks, be a good sister, be a good girlfriend, be a good friend.. be a good thing and that and the list just does not end… And then another curve ball comes me way… Sit back and accept.

Now for those of you who know me and my writing will know that I am a very patient person when it comes to people. Well people I like. Lately I have had to accept a lot. I finish this year, my brother finishes this year, I have lost yet another group of friends, I probably won’t be friends with many people from college, I have to start thinking about an adult future… That is a lot to accept, And then I get asked to sit back and accept being left out. Now I am a very stubborn, hardheaded person. Once you put an idea in my head, it takes a lot to remove it. Once I fight with someone over something, I will very seldom go towards the thing that makes me fight. Just feels like a bad vibe with bad energies around it. Doesn’t that makes sense? You fight over it so surely there is something negative around it… I hope you did not think that was the last curve ball cause now you see, you have to juggle. I want tricks, and flips and you are not allowed to drop a ball… Bingo… Breaking point

Handling one at a time is very easy. I can do it in my sleep. Juggling I am also good at. My life is balanced. I find time for everyone. Its my super power. But you see, problem comes in when I’m juggling and it feels like one ball is too heavy and my arms get sore and I miss the catch. I do tend to break… Smash a mirror enough times and it will shatter. That’s what has happened to me. I have shattered. I am no longer juggling because I am tired. I am tired of just accepting, I am tired of pressure and I am tired. Everyone has a breaking point. Everyone can ask for something, even if it is selfish… The juggler gets a chance too.

But I am the juggler, the fixer, the doer. So I will pick up all my balls, take a deep breath and juggle yet again…

Till next time



good evening everyone. Long time I know…

Great thoughts always branch off from someone once told me… So I think it’s time I share a thought that someone once told me

The greatest fear you will ever have is feeling completely safe with someone… Now how is that your greatest fear? Feeling safe with someone should not be a fear but should be something we cherish and is greatful for… Or am I wrong?

Turns out I am wrong. My biggest fear is being so happy and comfortable with someone else. What happens if that person leaves? Realizes you not all that and one day just goes and never comes back? This person doesn’t have to be a boyfriend or girlfriend. Can be a sister, brother, best friend…

We cannot let our fear of losing someone get the best of us because if we do then we will be stuck living our nightmare… A life without our rock or safety net.

Don’t let your fear of Being happy and safe ruin your happiness. Enjoy and cherish what you have because  you will regret it if you let go

Staying or leaving 

good evening all you gorgeous people out there

To stay or go? That’s the question you will ask yourself at least once in your life… Do I stay and be unhappy and leave and be happy but I might be alone for awhile…

Hard question to ask yourself but it is a question that needs to be taken seriously. 

This does not only work for marriage and romantic relationships. This question can be asked for friends, work, even long distance relatives… Do you stay and not be alone? Do you stay because you feel obligated and you just comfortable and used to having that person there…. Or do you do the brave thing and do something for you. Do something that will make you happy in the long run…

It’s a hard question and my answer is simple: as hard as leaving may be, staying for the wrong reasons is even worse…

Think about it

My inspiration

hi guys. I think it is time I write about this awesome and astonishing person who has impacted my life so much that I would not be the person I am without her.

As most of you know, I have had one school teacher that has inspired me so much that I write today because of him. Mr Maduna was my grade 9 English teacher and it was because of him,that I realized that I can write poetry and even a book. Now, I have so many people reading my work and commenting. You guys truly fill my heart with joy because of your comments. I am so thankful for the fact that you all take time out of your busy lives to read and comment on my work. And I have him to thank for that… Now on my next venture into life, I have a new lady who inspires me to be better at what I do and to reach for the stars…

I met this amazing lady 3 years ago. She was the only person that had the patience to sit with me endless amounts of hours and teach me how to paint the perfect nail in 3 strokes. Sounds strange I know but if it wasn’t for her, I wouldn’t be where I am today.

She has been there for me ever since first year and I know that she will be there for me in the years to come.   She has saved me in so many instances that I cannot name them all. However, I can that she has gotten me through one of the hardest times in my life so far and I will forever be grateful to her. Anyone who has had the pleasure to cross paths with her would know how inspirational and loving she really is. She will spend endless hours with you until you get the work right or even just lend an ear to listen to.

When you look up at the sky and you see that quiet,shy little star in the sky, you tend to think to yourself that that star can make the most impact because it’s not all in your face. She is the exact same. I am very happy that I was blessed with meeting her and that she has stayed in my crazy but fun life.

thank you so much Miss.C. You are a true inspiration to me.

Love you stacks.



Mirror Image

Image result for mirror image

Hey guys,

Ever wonder how someone else sees you? Not in a physical way but in an emotional, psychological way? Do they see you for who you are? Someone they can use and abuse? Someone who can mean the entire world to them however act like they don’t care that much when they with other people?

Interesting question right?

I have always been a straight forward person. If I don’t like you, I won’t pretend I like you in front of other people. If I love you, I am going to love you so that everyone else knows what you mean to me. I am a mirror image. How I see you, I show you and other people. If you my entire world and oxygen, people know that and know that I will check up on you and talk to you even when I am not with you.

People change when they are around other people. You might have to be more professional, act like an adult and not a child but does that mean that you treat people differently and don’t do what you normally would if they weren’t around? Granted, the people you are with need your attention and running around and being in other places the whole time is wrong but your every day actions should not change and how you treat people shouldn’t change either.

Learn to be a mirror image and not a person who changes because of surroundings…




Good evening all you gorgeous people…

My post tonight is very basic and simple.Learn to love the simple things in life.

A friend and I were talking and she is so negative at the moment its raining on my positive parade and I do not like that. We need to remember that life happens! We get knocked down and we get picked up and once again we get knocked down. Guys, that is life. It is how the story goes BUT we need to start looking at things differently.

Rain comes as a shower or a storm. We don’t get to choose how it comes but we choose how we look at it. Either the storm has flooded us and we stuck inside. No way out because everything out there is flooded… or we look at it in a way that is positive. Rain waters our grass to make it greener in the long run.

They say shit hits the fan… You can take it as a bad thing and everything get messed or you look at it as redecorating. A change of scenery and colour…

Moral of my post is simple… Always look on the bright side of life. Don’t look at the bad as bad but as a lesson to help you grow and blossom into something more beautiful… A caterpillar gets crammed into a little nest or pod. Think its comfortable in there? I think its like being suffocated but it is worth it because it gets transformed into a gorgeous creature… a butterfly…

Fly with grace



Drained is an understatement

Good evening all you beautiful people…

I honestly have no idea how I have any energy left but the past few weeks have taught me a very valuable lesson I would like to share with you guys.

I have been studying to become a sports massage therapist. This is basically someone who treats muscles and muscle problems and disorders. We are the people that you get sent to when you have hurt yourself and need rehab for that muscle. Now you can imagine how much work and pain this course must be… 40 hours a week of hard, intense massage is what I have done for 3 weeks and I have the bruises and torn muscles to prove it. All of this pain is not my point of my story. Point of my story is as follows…

Through all the tears and pain and bruises, my passion and love for what I do grew even stronger. As I felt my muscle tear I began to realise that this is what I want to do with my life. I want to help treat people and make them ok again. I want to heal.

So for everyone out there who is struggling and have no idea why they do what they do, think of what make you fall in love with your work… what drove you and made you take this road?

Just remember that sometimes the bruises and pain is worth it..




Goodbye 2014 hello 2015

Good evening all my gorgeous viewers… Miss me?

Tonight’s post is not something sad nor happy. It is a mere memory of me saying goodbye and letting go of what I do not need and cherishing what I have got…

Goodbyes first: I would like to say goodbye to my diploma as I am finally finished! no more studying for waxing or make-up. No more 10 hour exams. I am done with my Somotology diploma.How scary is that? I remember sitting outside massaging my mom’s best friend ten years ago telling her how much I would love to do this as a job one day. I am the type of person who will get what she wants and will stop at nothing until I get it. So i convinced my dad to come to the open day  with me. He did not want me to become a beauty school drop out but once he saw much work I would have to put in, he was more than happy to let me do it. Now here I am… At the finish line. This year was hard for me. Not only from a school point of view but from an emotional one as well. My family fell apart, my grandfather has not been well at all and I have had to say goodbye to people who have died and they meant a lot to me.

Looking back at the year, you would say that the year has been pretty dull,grey and gloomy.I have fought with my sister more times with year than I think I have in my entire life. I have been knocked down so many times that I am surprised I am still standing but I do prefer to look at the bright side. I for one love colour so here is my colour…

I have grown as a person so much this year. I have become who I have wanted to be for awhile and although there is always room for improvement, I am very happy with who and what I have become.

I would like to say hello to: specialising in a field whereby I can heal people with the power of touch. Next year my dream comes true and I cannot be happier. My boyfriend and I will be going out for a year next year, that is pretty big for me. My brother will be finishing school and starting his own career and following his own dreams. My Shmoobear will be in grade 10. She chose her subjects. Scary to think she is starting to work on her dreams for after school. My lil sis will be in second year… She is able to follow her dreams and produce a lot next year.

I look forward to seeing them grow and for me to grow with them. Looking at is from this angle… next year does not look too bad at all. Got a few things planned such an concerts, business ventures and hopefully an amazing trip to end off the year.

So goodbye 2014. You have taught me a lot and have shown me what it means to look at the real colours in life and in people.

Focus on the rainbow and not on the rain guys.




Some things you just cannot fix

Hey guys

A few years ago I wrote a thesis about family and I said that it was like a broken plate and that if you want to, you can glue it back together. Won’t be the same but it will still be together… Well guess what, I lied…

Some plates cannot be fixed. Some are just so far gone that no amount of glue can hold it together. Some family fights are just so big that you just cannot fix it and see eye to eye and often the problem is not the siblings but the spouses that come with it.

I am heart broken and I cannot bare the thought of having a wedding without my family there but I guess sometimes, you just need to accept your losses and move on. Rough I know But these are words of a person who just cannot try anymore. 12 years ago, I was in a car accident and I was in hospital for a bit. I was 8 years old and some of my uncles did not come and see me. I thought it was my fault and ever since then, my family has not been the same. Turns out it was not my fault at all but at the time, that is what I felt.

I have done everything I can to try glue this plate together but I am not winning and I am HURTING BADLY because of it. So that is me… I am putting the brush down and letting it be. I cannot fight anymore because I am tired and hurt. I thought it would be ok but maybe not. I don’t wish them harm. I love them all even though I don’t know them

Do yourself a favour… If your plate is broken, understand that it can only be fixed if the pieces want to work with the glue and think about your actions before you exclude people from a big family event

Life is way too short!

Hey guys

3 years ago my best friend died. I had no idea how to deal with it or where to begin to move on… 3 years later, his best friend died yesterday 21… Scary concept to put into your mind. 21 year olds dying and not being able to live out their dream or finish a degree. Some don’t even have the opportunity to start.

My ex lost his mom on Thursday night. She died from cancer.

Too many tragedies for me in one week. Makes realise how important life is and how precious it is. So my message to you all is as follows:

Pick up the phone and tell the people you love how much they mean to you. Tell the people in your household how much you care about them and how you appreciate what they do for you because you never know when the last time you going to get the opportunity to express your love for them.

I wish these families long life and I hope they get the strength to pull through…



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